Thursday 9 February 2017

EVALUATION: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Forms and conventions within music magazines are used to keep the magazine recognisable and also to make sure the genre of the magazine is demonstrated clearly. In my media product I used forms and conventions but I also challenged and developed some of them. I changed and developed certain forms and conventions in order to make my magazine unique where it will stand out and also to give it a unique selling point.

Firstly, the masthead (as seen to the right) of my magazine uses the convention of real music magazines by being central and at the top of the page. By putting the masthead in this place it will make it one of the first characteristics which gains the focus of the audience, this will then give the magazine a clear brand image which will be recognisable throughout all the magazine issues.

My magazine uses a consistent house style throughout the pages, for example keeping the same colour scheme. This conforms to a typical convention of a music magazine, this convention is again used to make the magazine more recognisable for the audience.

Furthermore, my double page spread uses 6 columns (as real music magazines do) which separates the text evenly and gives the page a more finished and professional look.

Finally, another convention of a typical music magazine that I used was on the contents page, this is where a page number was put before the text of the page/article name and then underneath was a sub-line of further details of what is on that page. This can be seen on my own contents page of my music magazine.

On the contents page of a music magazine there is usually a small piece of writing telling the audience how to subscribe to the magazine. I developed this convention by putting a separate box on the contents page where it is much clearer and easier for the audience to see how to subscribe. Therefore making it more likely that they will take the time to do that.

A convention which I challenged was that of making my front cover quite simplistic and minimal, a convention of music magazines is that they have very loud and busy front covers in an 'organised mess' layout but instead of using this I took inspiration from a different kind of music magazine which also challenges this convention. This magazine is called 'Beat Magazine' and here is a link to my blog post about the way it challenges conventions of typical magazines and how I took inspiration from it; Link to blog post!

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