Friday 20 January 2017

EVALUATION: Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Firstly, I used a lure on my cover page to attract my audiences attention. The lure is used was 'Free Concert Tickets' to The Beach Hut Boys who area band within the pop genre, therefore being more attractive for my target audience of people who listen to and enjoy pop music. I also used another lure of a 'Free Poster' of the main artist being featured in that particular issue of the magazine. The feature article of this magazine issue is also about the artist on the poster. This attracting my audience to my magazine further. (See these lures below)

I also attracted my audience by using language which would specifically be used by my target audience and within the pop genre. This makes my magazine more attractive to my specific target audience and it also makes it more friendly and relaxed for my young adult target. I created a lexicon of words during the research and production of my magazine to help me with this which can be found here). I didn't use all of these words but I did use the majority including; pop, the charts, band, a single and album.

Furthermore, I created an audience profile (aka a Focus Group) to generate an idea of who my target audience would most likely consist of so that I was then able to make my magazine more specific to them. This would then make sure my magazine would attract my niche audience and therefore make it more successful. See my focus group research here.

Finally, I made sure that due to my magazine having a target audience of mainly students that it would be affordable for them. I made my magazine almost half the price of normal music magazines as normal magazines are usually £5 where as mine is £2.99. This makes my magazine more attractive to my audience as it is cheaper than usual. I also did audience research to find out exactly what my audience would like to find from my magazine including exclusive interviews and freebies. This can be seen here.

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