Monday 12 December 2016

PRODUCTION: Creating my Contents page

Firstly I chose what photo I wanted to use as the main image, I decided to do a double page for my contents as I found inspiration from a music magazine where they had used a double page. I thought this picture would be good to use as the subjects are 'The Beach Hut Boys' who were mentioned on the front cover. I then began to add the texts using the same fonts and colours as what was on the front cover in order to clearly show a continuity of the house style throughout the magazine. I chose to use three different sub-headings; 'Cover Story' which displayed the main article of this magazine, 'Features' which showed articles exclusively to this issue of the magazine and 'Regulars' which are seen in every issue. I also added the magazines logo and website to make the page identifiable. Finally I added the page numbers in the bottom left and right hand corners and also a caption of the photo, at the bottom right, to show who the picture is of.

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