Monday 19 December 2016

RESEARCH: Audience Feedback

After I felt my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread were nearly finished I got some audience feedback to see if my target audience thought anything else needed or should be added. 

Here is what they said for the Cover Page:
  • Use logos of the companies and awards instead of using the same font (Victoria's Secret and Grammy Award).
  • Add little details such as photography credits and bar codes.
  • Re-word some of the pugs.
Here is what they said for the Contents page:
  • More writing is needed on the page.
  • Add a subscription box.
  • Add photography credits.
Here is what they said for the Double Page Spread:
  • The sub-heading is quite hard to read, make it stand out more.
  • Photography credits needed.
  • Add a small introduction under the mast head to explain where the interview was held.

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